Search through and try some of these delicious recipes
If you’re looking for delicious recipes that use fresh berries, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve assembled our most loved Love Fresh Berries recipes for you to browse through. If you can’t find a recipe you need, please contact us and we can see if we have what you are looking for.
Check out our new, free downloadable recipe book, Eat Well With Berries, on the activities page
The Italian word ‘pesto’ means to crush or pound. Homemade pesto is easy and a great way to use up excess ingredients. Dry bread and ripe strawberries work well adding texture and flavour. Delicious stirred into warm pasta with a little extra olive oil or as a topping for grilled fish and meats.
Makes enough for 4 Ready in 10 minutes
Tip - if you have a piece of Parmesan cheese, around 25g or less that needs using simply grate it in with the basil or add chunks and blitz with the nuts. It adds a saltiness so taste before adding further salt.