Search through and try some of these delicious recipes
If you’re looking for delicious recipes that use fresh berries, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve assembled our most loved Love Fresh Berries recipes for you to browse through. If you can’t find a recipe you need, please contact us and we can see if we have what you are looking for.
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Unlike sloe gin, this strawberry version only needs 3 days to stand for the flavours to develop. Strain and decant into a pretty bottle or several smaller ones, then add a handmade label and ribbons for a personalised Christmas gift. Delicious served with ice and chilled tonic.
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Standing time: 3 days
450g (1 lb) strawberries
150g (5oz) caster sugar
700ml bottle gin
1 Very roughly crush the strawberries with a fork or potato masher then spoon into a wide necked glass bottle or le parfait style storage jar. Add the sugar then the gin, seal and give a gentle shake to mix.
2 Leave the jar at room temperature for 3 days, giving the container a gentle shake twice each day to make sure that the sugar dissolves.
Strain the mixture then decant into a clean, dry serving bottle. Seal well with a screw topped lid, cork or clip top. Decorate the bottle with a handwritten label tied on with ribbon or raffia. Serve in glasses with ice and tonic or add a splash to chilled sparkling white wine with a halved strawberry for a quick cocktail.