Search through and try some of these delicious recipes
If you’re looking for delicious recipes that use fresh berries, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve assembled our most loved Love Fresh Berries recipes for you to browse through. If you can’t find a recipe you need, please contact us and we can see if we have what you are looking for.
Check out our new, free downloadable recipe book, Eat Well With Berries, on the activities page
Once you’ve made this one pot wonder it will become a staple! It’s such a simple yet delicious recipe and you can add different seasonal vegetables.
Serves 4. Prep time 10 minutes. Cook time 1 hour 20 minutes
2 x 400g cans chickpeas, drained
400g can tomatoes
1 large red pepper, seeded and sliced
1 knob fresh ginger, peeled and cut in thin strips
2 red chilies left whole
1/2 tsp chili flakes
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cumin seed, roughly crushed
Pinch sugar
100ml olive oil
150g blackberries
For the couscous:
120g giant couscous
Handful each mint, coriander and parsley leaves